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$24.99 order of fries. Disney Sales and Marketing Strategy

From the Far Eastern Shore of Maryland

Disney has done it again!

They have figured out a way to sell you something you don’t need but you must have. I am talking about another custom popcorn / french fry bucket.

Last year I told you about the Mickey Head popcorn container. You just strap the thing around your neck like a horse’s feedbag and off you go. These retailed for about $15.

Disney has out done themselves with their latest food dispensing bucket (though I hesitate to call it a bucket.

It is a ginormous Millennium Falcon from the Star Wars movies. Its’ features?

  • It’s big
  • It looks like a toy.
  • It has batteries. Yep, It lights up!
  • Option of fries or popcorn.
  • It costs $24.99

Check this thing out:

Now I am sure you are asking yourself, “what does a battery operated popcorn bucket have to do with my business?”

I will give my usual response: EVERYTHING!

What’s the marketing / customer experience lesson here?

First, the thing is just damn cool (yes, I am a Star Wars fan). Just by being cool, this thing is selling like hotcakes. It appeals to young and old and male or female. Do you have a commodity service or item that can be packaged up into something cool? Ex. You sell a bottle of lotion in your business. Can you put it into packaging that sets your lotion apart from all other lotions?

Next, it is NEW. Remember back to the question “how do you answer “what’s new?” In order to keep millions of people coming back to its’ parks and movies every year, Disney has to come up with “new” all the time. Ex. A gym owner could do a “Light saber Training Academy” as the new exercise routine. What’s new in your business?

Further, it is not boring. The #1 sin in marketing or business is being boring.

Finally, it has staying power. No one is going to throw this popcorn bucket away. It will be played with by little kids or sit prominently on a shelf with all their other Disney memorabilia. A constant reminder of their trip to Disney (and how they should take another one). Can you give your clients or prospects something with that kind of staying power?

Remember, you won’t profit unless you implement,

Vance “Chewie” Morris

Like What You Have Learned So Far?


Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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